Tis the season to pack your suitcases, get your sandals and bikinis in order and have your boarding passes at the ready, as summer is upon us! But is it really the case anymore? While going on vacation is still very much the vibe when it comes to having a relaxing time exploring on your […]
It’s been a bit quiet on here of late, hasn’t it? Apologies for the radio silence on here. It’s been a bit hectic on the life side recently, and I’ve just returned from the Motherland and cannot wait to tell you guys all about it (albeit with the slightly size inconvenient, portrait iPhone photos). So […]
Introducing my new e-guide: SPUNK. Spunk. Chutzpah. Balls. Courage. Confidence. All these things to a degree, mean the same thing. I obviously chose the funny one because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t innit?! I’m so excited to be releasing my brand new e-guide SPUNK, as it’s been a few months in the making. I […]
When I was younger, one of my favourite cousins came to live with us for a short spell. While there, my cousin introduced me to a few things: Glamour Magazine, Fashion TV, cracking my knuckles, and coffee. Granted, at the age of 11 I was wayyy too young to be downing coffee but upon taking […]
Hey guys! So I’ve been wanting to create this post for the longest time but…life kept getting in the way as it normally does. I thought it would be cool to talk about shooting photos in public, either as an influencer or non-influencer, and ways in which you can gain the confidence to do so. […]
Happy New Year friends! I trust you’ve all had a lovely festive season and are feeling refreshed, revitalised and ready to head into 2019. I spent NYE working until around 4am unfortunately. Not for any specific reason to do with work (I love my job but I’m no Martyr), but because of my sleeping patterns. […]