Ok, so I was supposed to do this back in like…January, but forgot so finally, here we are!
 Prizes Include:
 Molton Brown London Gingerlily Moisture Bath & Shower Gel
Molton Brown Ziao Jao Hairwash (Sample)
Gorgeously Rich Moisturising Shampoo in ‘Scandelous’ by Celebrity hairstylist, James Brown and Kate Moss.
E.L.F Concealer in ‘Tan’ 
Eyeko Rosy Pink Flavoured Lipgloss
Eyeko Nude Polish
Eyeko Lilac Polish
Eyeko Vintage Polish
Eyeko Purple Polish
~Rules for Entry~
1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. Comment on this saying you want to enter. Please include your email address where you can be contacted AND your blog link!
3. Post up this giveaway on your blog or on the sidebar.
~Extra Entries~ 
1. Tweet about my giveaway on Twitter (2 entries) (@McStephanton)
2. Comment on some of my past posts on the blog. (1 entry per comment)
3. Comment telling me what you’d like to see more of on my blog! ( 2 entries)
The giveaway will end on the 18th of May 2010 at Midnight and is also open internationally.
 ~Good Luck!~


April 14, 2010


Steevie's *seriously belated* Giveaway! *CLOSED*

  1. Christina Adwoa says:

    I want to enter!! owusu.christina@gmail.com

    I don't blog nemore =( Do I still qualify?!

  2. steph says:

    That's fine hun 🙂

  3. Fee says:

    Hi there, I'd like to enter! I'm a follower (Fee), my e-mail is orangeinsanity [at] hotmail [dot] com

    blog post!

    aaand I really like your "Prada's Fishermen Boots: Yay or Nay?" post, I think that's a neat idea and you should make more (high)fashion yay/nay posts!

  4. susies1955 says:

    Enter me please.
    I'm a follower and my email is susies@twcny.rr.com
    I blogged about it on my sidebar:

  5. Ria says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    I'm a follower (Ria)
    and my email is freeeedz@yahoo.com
    Your giveaway is on my sidebar under shiny things (serious-shiny.blogspot.com)
    Thanks so mych for the givaway!!!

  6. Ria says:

    Ooooh and I forgot to say I'd love to see some tutorials!

  7. Frumusikapro says:

    Enter me please!
    I am new follower : Andreea
    my email : s.andreea2007@gmail.com
    Your giveaway is on my blog posted:*
    Thanks 🙂

  8. susies1955 says:

    Who won the giveaway? I can't seem to see where you announced it. 🙂

  9. steph says:

    its still open!

  10. susies1955 says:

    Oh I thought it ended on the 18th. Sorry. 🙂

  11. Vanessa says:

    Please count me in 🙂
    I am a follower – Vanessa
    Email: ilovevanessasomuch at gmail dot com
    Blog link: http://ribka-vanessa.blogspot.com/

    I put a link on my sidebar http://ribka-vanessa.blogspot.com/
    I'd love to see more fashion posts


  12. Anastasia says:

    Hi! Enter me, please!
    I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect (nastjanastja).

    I blogged about your giveaway here:

    my email: nastjanastja[at]mail.bg


  13. *– Not an entry –*


    Just wanted to let you know that your giveaway was listed on my site.

    Here's the direct link:

    If you happen to have any other internationally open giveaways, I'd love to hear about them!



  14. Jenny says:

    OOoo great giveaway!
    enter me please! i'm a new follower 🙂

    linked to your giveaway on my sidebar: http://skinniegenes.blogspot.com/

    thanks <3!

  15. Koshy says:

    i want to enter



  16. Elena says:

    I want to enter!
    I posted link to your giveaway on my right sidebsr here http://endles-s-summer.blogspot.com/
    And I am a follower (Elena)!


  17. I'm a follower..
    Please enter me! :]

    my email: dora_brenner(at)yahoo(dot)com

    my blog: http://thepinkestbutterfly.blogspot.com/

    I tweeted about your giveaway:

    also I blogged about your giveaway:

    I commented one of your older posts, and I would like to see more beauty, makeup tips spot 🙂

  18. Daya, muito prazer... says:

    Daiane Negretti
    follower: Daya, muito prazer…

    I'm your follower
    posted here:

  19. Hacer @ Makyaj Günlüğü says:

    Hi Steevie !
    I've been a follower for a long time.
    Amazing giveaway…


  20. Hacer @ Makyaj Günlüğü says:

    I wanna see some LOTD's…

  21. I'm a follower.Please enter me!

    Andrea Ferreira

  22. I'd like to see more reviews. 🙂

    Andrea Ferreira

  23. Rei says:

    I want to enter!

    Email: xryuusei@gmail.com

    I'm a follower (xryuusei@gmail.com)

    I want to see more product reviews please!

  24. Shaim says:

    Hi ,
    I am a follower already shaim

    Enter me please !
    sh.11175 @yahoo.com

    this my makeup blog

    Tweet about this giveaway

    Commented on some of past posts on the blog

    i love to see artistic makeup look and tutorial

  25. Lucy says:

    Hi, really nice giveaway!

    I'm your follower Lucisek-Lucy's Stash
    I tweeted about ur giveaway here http://twitter.com/lucisek_beluha

    I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar http://lucysstash.blogspot.com/


    Lucy H.

  26. I'm follower – Miih Uck
    My email – mblambert(at)hotmail(dot)com
    I have no blog.
    I'd like to see tutorial.

  27. 409cope says:

    I follow through google friend.
    I would love to be entered.
    I don't have a blog.

  28. Misha says:

    Heyy :]
    Enter me please.
    Have a post up about your giveaway:http://splutterofwords.blogspot.com/2010/05/steevies-inner-sanctum.html

    I'd love to see more makeup looks/ tutorials if possible ^^

  29. Amy says:

    Hi! Cool giveaway! I'm a follower through google, Amy, abarker21@gmail.
    Enter me please!
    I don't blog anymore, sorry 🙁

  30. peripatetic33 new google follower
    peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
    enter me please and thank you
    what a neat combination of goodies

  31. LIZ says:

    hi, enter me 🙂
    i follow you by google friend connect 🙂

    my web is http://pintaliztiirene.blogspot.com/2010/05/may-tons-giveaway.html

    hope i can win this cute giveaway 🙂

    big thankies

  32. Nós says:

    Hi. = )
    I'm a follower with GFC.

    Enter me please.

    I put your giveaway on my sidebar.


    Andreia. xoxo

  33. Tameriska says:

    Hi, I follow through google as tameriska

    my blog is http://tameriska.blogspot.com/

    tameriska at gmail dot com

  34. Rebie says:

    I want to enter.
    I am a follower (rebie59)
    my email is mesvernisamoi (at) gmail (dot) com
    my blog and my post are here http://mestrucsmoi.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html

  35. Midge says:

    I am a follower via google friend connect (Midge) and my email is smdgen AT gmail DOT com. I posted a link in my sidebar to your giveaway at smdgen.blogspot.com!

  36. N. says:

    Hi! Lovely giveaway 🙂 I want to enter!

    My e-mail: Makeupcake@hotmail.com
    My blog: http://make-up-cake.blogspot.com/

    Oh, and I post your giveaway with the pic and a direct link to this entry on the left sidebar of my blog, with the others.


  37. N. says:

    Sorry! I forgot! >_< I'll like to see more about on-line shops of beauty, cosmetic and cloth… and maybe how to care my lashes.


  38. Chuchy says:

    I'm a follower!
    Enter me please!

    Email: the.chuchy@gmail.com
    Follower name: the.chuchy

    I don't have a blog 🙂

  39. Eminna says:


    Enter me!
    I follow you as Emina95
    E-mail: emina.bistrovic@gmail.com

  40. Grace Wong says:

    cool, I've never tried eyeko, but it looks promising!

    I already follow you, enter me please! xD

    blog post: http://sugarrosies.blogspot.com/2010/05/weekly-giveaways1-wk-10.html

    tweeted: http://twitter.com/gracewong1/status/14127196272

    I'd love to see more beauty and makeup tips, they're very useful!


  41. ipehishere says:

    Enter me preety pls 😀

    im new followers via google friend

    i post your giveaway link:


    thank you 🙂

  42. LIZ says:

    i want some photography from your blog. 🙂

  43. Selene says:

    Follower as shiki. I don’t have a blog sorry.

    Tweet: http://twitter.com/shiki6210/status/14170583136

    Commented on two other posts

    I want to see more makeup posts because I need them!

    shiki6210 at gmail dot com

  44. Wolf says:

    I want to enter 🙂

  45. Hini says:

    Hi, I want to enter, but I don't blog since I'm out of highschool, maybe I don't qualify :/
    My address is daffylosophy [at] gmail [dot] com

    Thank you for this giveaway, good luck to everyone !

  46. Amanda says:

    I follow and would love to enter, but I don't blog…please enter me if I still qualify 🙂
    winnieayala at yahoo dot com

  47. Lu says:

    I'm a follower but I don't have a blog…
    I'm following you on twitter as lucianittaa and I tweeted

    And I want to see more reviews 🙂


  48. Hi,
    I'm a google follower (StampingNails)

    My email: memories1002@yahoo.com

    I posted details about your giveaway on my website: http://www.stampingnails.com/2010/05/17/steevies-seriously-belated-giveaway/

    Thanks for posting this giveaway! Please pick me!!

  49. Nikki says:

    Following as Nikki. No blog sorry.

    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/darkmotives/status/14207599650

    Commented on past posts (2 of them)

    Would like to see more beauty, photography, makeup posts!

    abysinnian at gmail dot com

  50. Lucy says:

    Please enter me in your giveaway. I'm a new Follower on Google Friends Connect. I don't blog and hope it's alright to enter. Thank you.

  51. Dasa says:

    I'm a follower

  52. LipGlossit says:

    I'm a follower 🙂
    Enter me please!
    I don't have a blog, sorry.

    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/LipGlossit/status/14248131721


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