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I see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship, buddy. 

Let the obsession with NARS begin! As you guys may have heard, earlier on in the year I finally lost my NARS-ginity with none other than the infamous Taj Mahal blush and I’ve been on the hunt for a new product within the collection since. Seeing as I don’t have a lot of matte reds apart from Ruby Woo, I randomly opted for the velvet matte pencil in Cruella (£17.50) as I’d read many a positive review surrounding it. 

Of course coming packaged within its famed sleek black packaging, Cruella is a blue based scarlett red that is similar to Ruby Woo. The big difference between the two however is that I find Cruella to be way more moisturising than the latter. The pigmentation of these crayons are incredible; as I would expect from a NARS product.It applies on with a cream finish and dries matte, leaving a beautiful deep, rich colour that makes lips look supple. Can I just say that in the photos below I know my lips look incredibly ashy (O_O) but that’s because I didn’t have time to exfoliate/put lip balm on beforehand. Sorry!

So opaque is the pigmentation, that I don’t even need to use a liner or anything of the sort; it reminds me of the pin-up girls of the ’40s, very burlesque-ish and I’m loving it. The longevity is pretty good too; lasting on average around 3/4 hours. 

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The only cons I have for this are the following:

  • The lid. For some reason, mine doesn’t close properly and I don’t know if it’s just mine, but every time I try to pop the lid on, it kinda pops out like a spring. Annoying much?
  • The thickness: This isn’t really a “con” persay, I just don’t have a sharpener that wide to sharpen it. O_O
Apologies for the yellow-washing of the photos; still trying to sort out the white balance on my camera!
Anyhoo, what do you guys think of the shade? What are your favourite shades and can you recommend any good ones for summer?


April 14, 2014


Truely, Mattely, Deeply…NARS Velvet Matte Pencil in Cruella

  1. Coco N says:

    I LOVE the NARS pencils!
    And, yes!! I have the same problem too! The material and the way the NARS lids close make them pop back up sometimes, it's really annoying.

  2. Kat Clark says:

    Gorgeous shade! I have exactly the same issue with Nars pencil lids. There must be some kind of weird design thing that makes them do it x

  3. I love all thing's NARS! I have the shades red square and Hyde park both gorgeous on my darker skin tone 🙂 x

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