I never fully managed to assimilate into the whole contouring trend, to be honest. Whilst I appreciate how the craftsmanship that goes into creating a perfectly sculptured face, I’ve avoided it for the following reasons:

  • It looks like it takes years to do and time? I don’t have it.
  • I assumed it would never work on someone with a face as round as mine, especially as I have no cheekbones to speak of.
  • There’s something a bit off-putting about applying makeup to make my face/nose look smaller and more angular – I’m happy with my round, chubby face!
  • I’ve never gotten on with cream products, I’m very much a powder girl

When it comes to this kind of stuff, I normally tend to stick to using a bit of highlighter under my eyes and on the tip of my nose to make me look more radiant. There’s also a lack of darker cream contour shades in the UK and I’ve always struggled to find a formula that is darker than my skin tone which, I mean…2017 cmon.

Sleek kindly sent me their Cream Contour Kit in Extra Dark(!)  to have a bit of a play around with, and I must say it’s really reassuring to know that there is a good variety of shades for us brown and darker brown girls to play with. The kit consists of six colours; three highlighting and three contouring shades. After watching hella Youtube tutorials, I decided it would be safest to use a damp beauty blender to apply the contour as opposed to a brush as to avoid streaks.
The texture of the shades is very creamy, yet easy to blend in. The formula almost feels like it was lightly whipped before setting.

The Process

So I began the process of applying a full contour, while watching a random Youtube tutorial. The procedure was interesting and my thoughts are below!

Final results…


  • I just need to get it out there that the Lip VIP shade in ‘Night Spot’ by Sleek is one of my FAVOURITE shades right now. The texture is gorgeous! Like butter.
  • So…I like the results, however, this is not a look that I can rock in broad daylight. it’s perfect if you are undertaking a photo shoot or something, however, in real life, my face looks like leather. SO. MUCH. MAKEUP. MANY LAYERS.
  • Guess how long it took me to do the contour alone? 15 minutes, just to blend everything in. This method is very time consuming and I cannot see myself doing it every day.
  • My face looks a bit blotchy from where I got tired of blending the contour in. I’m sure if I persevered, it would look flawless.
  • To be completely honest, if I were to do this again, I would stick with the highlighting and leave out the darker contours – I just don’t think it suits me and while it adds depth to my cheekbones, I like my round face!

In conclusion, the contour kit is brilliant. Sleek does it again with a multitude of different shades for all skin tones and the texture is buttery and soft. I would probably contour again if i were to do a beauty photo shoot or something, but for everyday looks, I’ll be sticking with my Sleek highlighting powder (a review of which will be coming soon!)
Sleek Contour Kit in Extra Dark is available at Superdrug

*This post contains press items sent for review*

*A special thank you goes out to to Patrons Theresa, Vikky, Issy and Victoria! Nerd about Town is now on Patreon – if you would like to support, click here!


August 2, 2017



  1. Robin Michael Rush says:

    Beautiful. The extra effort produced great results.

  2. Áine Danger Gumery says:

    You look fabulous! Although I get that it’s massively time consuming, I’ve always used powder to contour and if I get a bit carried away, I have serious cake face. Good for nights out, but maybe not for popping to the shops lol
    Honestly Aine

  3. Tillie - Tea, Cake and Make says:

    Oh my gosh, you’re super stunning! This is a beautiful look on you!

  4. Well this is the best review I’ve read in ages! Informative, fun, honest and so helpful!! Xx

  5. You look bloody amazing! But I know what you mean about not being arsed to do that much makeup all the time. I’m normally a 5 minute gal – as long as what I end up with looks better than the start I don’t mind. 😉 xx

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