NYX Matte Copenhagen Dark Skin
You know that feeling you get when you’ve been waiting and anticipating something for so long, only to be let down once it arrives? Well something similar happened to me recently which involved the highly coveted NYX Soft Matte Lip Cremes. Let’s talk about it.

So the Soft Matte Lip creme by NYX is one of the ‘wonder products’ (alongside ColourPop and the Anastasia Beverley Hills matte creams) that has gained immense popularity via social media channels such as Instagram – you’ve seen it; the collaged close up IG snaps of women wearing completely matte lipsticks and creams on their super plumped Kylie Jenner lips, who wouldn’t want to own it? Now for the past three years I had the shades ‘Transylvania’ and ‘Copenhagen’ on my wishlist as they were not available for release in the UK.
The other day while perusing the Feel Unique site, I noticed that they now stocked NYX and so I had a quick look to see if they had those (very hard to get in the UK) colours and SUCCESS! I lobbed them into my shopping cart and checked out ASAP, afraid that they’d somehow go out of stock and I waited with baited breath and dreams of having these super opaque matte lips like all the girls seemed to have.
And then they came.
The tubes are allegedly supposed to be filled with 8ml worth of product, but you wouldn’t know it as once you unscrew the lid, the tube feels quite empty! This was the first red flag. The second red flag was the abysmally low quantity of product that ended up on the doe-foot applicator. Now me myself, I love a good doe-foot as I manage to finesse a good shape when I apply around my already-quite-pronounced Cupid’s Bow, however this Doe-foot was not giving me life. It was quite small and stiff and did not scoop up any of the product at all.

Colour & Pigment

Transylvania is a gorgeously dark and vampy maroon/plum shade with brown tones that’ll suit all skin tones.
Copenhagen is a dark plum shade that is a couple of shades lighter than Transylvania and has pink undertones.
NYX Matte Transyvania Review Dark Skin
Now…I don’t know what kind of photoshop trickery some of these Instagram girls do, but these colours are NOT as pigmented as they are made out to be online. In the photos below, I have used approximately 4 coats for each shade and it still comes out very translucent. Stephie is not a very happy bunny. Is there something I’m doing wrong? How can I get the shade to come out ultra opaque? At first, I thought perhaps that I received a bad batch, but after a couple of chats with some other bloggers, I realized that this had happened to them too. It’s a shame as many people look to companies like NYX to provide budget versions of the higher end lip creams, but hey ho! You live and you learn.
Were they worth it? No, but I’m a big fan of other products within the NYX range so I’ll just count this as a bit of a loss. While they are nice lip cremes, I wanted something solid and ultra matte.
NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme available at FeelUnique.com

Have you used the Matte Lip Creme by NYX? What did you think?


February 3, 2016


NYX Soft Matte Lip Cremes: Worth the Hype?

  1. The Transylvania colour looks lovely, it’s a shame that it is not as pigmented as you had hoped. 4 coats seems to be a lot. I too am a fan of NYX products, but I might give this a miss. Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you for your honesty. Love it when a blogger is truthful about products.

  2. Kitty Wood says:

    May I recommend Makeup Revolution Lip Lacquer! £3 a tube, matte liquid lipstick, amaze!

  3. I find the NYX ones disappointing too but the blogging world is creaming themselves over them. I tell you what I have been impressed by – Palladio Beauty lip stains but you can only get them in America. I’ve only tried one (shade Suede) but my word, in one coat it makes NYX look like Poundland quality.

  4. Sandra NB says:

    I have Transylvania and only picked it up recently. I haven’t heard anything about the matte lip cream, just the butter lip gloss. I found mine was okay in terms of pigments, I only recall using two swipes. I wouldn’t purchase another one from them though, unless it’s a colour I can’t get anywhere else.

  5. Lannis says:

    THANK YOU for this post. These are the WORST and the hype is killing me. I have wasted my hard earned money on two different shades of this garbage formula. NYX must have sent free sets out to all the popular bloggers to get them to give this product positive reviews and swindled us all. They have some great lip products, but this is NOT one of them.

  6. Omo says:

    Just did a google search and found your site. I brought the dubai colour in matte lip cream and it is practically empty! Previously I brought the intense butter gloss and I really liked it, so Im not put off nyx products but I am not sure the matte lip cream is worth it but I will see how long the product lasts. As for the look it looks and feels nice on the lips.

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