To launch this week’s Plus Size Fashion Week, The organisers of Plus Size Fashion Week collaborated with Plus Size retailer Evans (who are sponsoring the event) to create a campaign entitled #StyleHasNoSize. Now, this campaign/hashtag was allegedly supposed to celebrate diversity in all it’s forms. Amazing right? Finally an awesome campaign to highlight the diversity and kick-ass style within the plus size community!

Anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Now I don’t know about anyone else, but as a plus size lady who loves fashion, I certainly do NOT feel represented. The whole point of the campaign is to celebrate diversity, yet absolutely nothing in this photo embodies it. Over the past 24 hours the controversial photo has spread like wildfire on social media, with many plus size bloggers and non-bloggers complaining about the lack of effort and essentially, fucks given to promote the right message. If you follow me on social media then you already know that I love a good rant about retailers and the media and the lack of ethnically and physically diverse plus size models and bloggers being used to front campaigns and articles.
The photo essentially says to me, ‘style has no size, but you have to be tall, no bigger than a size 16, white and slender in the face’. Don’t get me wrong, these models are absolutely stunning, however if you’re going to be gung-ho about a subject that is close to a lot of people’s hearts, it would well be worth using people who actually REPRESENTED your hashtag.
That’s basically what we did.
Yesterday evening myself, as well as Abi, Michaela, Katie and Hollie took to Oxford Street to show them how it’s done with our own version.
We were all fresh from work, sweaty, no makeup on and cold as hell, but we all looked awesome.
See the diversity within the sizes, heights, body shapes and ethnicities? THIS is how you do it Evans. THIS is all we’ve ever wanted; to see people who look like us represented within the media. Why has this always been too much to ask? Because there is no excuse for it. Absolutely none.
I’d love to say a huge thank you to the ladies above for yesterday’s shenanigans and we are hoping that this photo will force the retailers etc to really take a look at their primary market and try and represent them as closely as possible.

And here we all are!

Michaela – Cardifforniagirl

Katie – ToodalooKatie
Abi – A is for Abi

Lifestyle, Style

September 4, 2015


#StyleHasNoSize | Blogger Takeover

  1. Katie Atkinson says:

    Love this post!
    Gold Dust

  2. Kellie Hill says:

    Absolutely love this so much. Well done. You ladies knocked it out of the park and showed that diversity is not difficult to accomplish.
    When I wrote about this, another person commented that all of the models are also young. I remember when Evans was a shop for the older lady, guess they don’t want their business either now.
    Again, well done.

  3. EK McAlpine says:

    Thank you for doing this! Made my big fat heart glow!! Xx

  4. Sandra NB says:

    Good on all of you!!

  5. lolaandbehold says:

    Your version is SO much better. Theirs doesn’t represent diversity at all! Good on your for doing something about it 🙂 xx

  6. Neti says:

    Love this post and your friendships here are so authentic. Enjoy your Life!

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