As a way to feed her creative streak while studying Law at university, Stephanie created her blog (previously known as ‘Nerd About Town’) in 2008, before influencing as we know it today entered the popular zeitgeist. 

Stephanie writes on a range of different topics, including; plus size fashion, beauty and skincare, personal thoughts and musings, body image and travel.

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Click the links below to read Stephanie’s blog posts. 

Okay so I think I may be about a week (or 5) late with this review, apologies! The last month has been crazy busy and anyhoo I thought it would be good to trial the toothpaste and mouthguard/mouthwash for a longer period of time. If you haven’t done so yet, read my previous post on […]

EhhMehgerd! The Blanx Shock White Before & After

March 4, 2015

 Follow me on Instagram @stephanieyeboah